Do not Forget Me.......

     Do not forget me, always remember me
      It is a request,do not leave me alone,

    You come as a spring in my life
    And gone as an autumn
    Left tears only in my smiling eyes
    And did not come back after promises

    People always speak truth that do not love to anyone
    Love is a malignant disease, try to avoid this disease
    Upshot of love is only loneliness and tears
    If I am not wrong ,separation is another name of love

    At every moment of life,you will also miss me
    If I will awake throughout night then you will also not slumber
    If you will leave me alone in this circumstanced
    I speak the truth, you will cry over split milk

    Do not forget me, always remember me
    It is a request,do not leave me alone

  Dr.Andaleeb Fatima
Copyright © Dr.Andaleeb Fatima

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