Cancer Fighting Foods

 1 Seafood: The omega 3 fatty acids and more than 70 trace elements in fish and other seafoods are believed to protect against cancer.
 2 Tomatoes: One of the best sources of lycopene, a flavenoid shown to have protective properties.
 3 Cabbages: All cabbages and related vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, etc.) are rich in calcium and flavenoids.
 4 Blueberries: A good source of flavenoids and antioxidants.
 5 Garlic: High in sulphur compounds, which may help neutralize carcinogens (cancer causing compounds).
 6 Spinach: A rich source of vitamin C and beta-carotene, two strong antioxidants.
 7 Whole wheat: Studies have shown the protective properties of whole-wheat products.
 8 Berries: Strawberries, cranberries, raspberries and purple grapes are all recommended.
 9 Oranges: High in vitamin C along with cancer-fighting compounds called limonoids.
10  Beans: Just about all types of beans are loaded with beneficial protease inhibitors.


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