Recreational swimming is being cited as a good activity for anyone with mild osteoporosis because it helps maintain range of motion, builds endurance and strength and promotes cardiovascular fitness. And it does so without putting excess stress on the bones and joints – the areas affected by the condition.

Swimming combined with light weight-bearing exercises, such as walking and using light weights, can help prevent bone loss. If you are over 50 however, always remember to check with your doctor before embarking on any exercise routine.

  Smoking and kids:If you care about your children’s health keep your home smoke-free. You should be aware that
   What every parent should know:
Chances are if you smoke, you know the dangers you are facing – after all, the warnings are right there on your cigarette package in ever increasing type size. But what if you have young children? Or what if your children are constantly around adult smokers?

Don’t fool yourself, smoke from cigarettes and other tobacco products can harm children. Here are a few facts to consider.

most children who smoke start between the ages of 11 and 13 years. Help your child understand the short and long term dangers of smoking. And, set a good example…if you smoke, consider quitting. Your doctor can help.

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by:Dr.Andaleeb(Refernce:Health Digest)