How to avoid Allergy?

After a long, cold winter, nobody wants to be incapacitated in the spring, allergies or not. Luckily, the age-long struggle against seasonal allergic rhinitis has given allergy sufferers some tools and strategies for fighting back! Here are a few simple tips.

You don't have to change your life to deal with allergies. With proper treatment and some common sense, you should be able to enjoy spring for all it’s worth
How to improve your Allaergy I.Q?

Along with the sneezing and runny nose, a major discomfort for hay fever sufferers is a condition known as allergic conjunctivitis, with its symptoms of itching, burning, watery and red eyes. This condition affects the conjunctiva, the sensitive, transparent mucous membrane that lines the inside of the eyelid and the white part of the eye.Antihistamine products, including special eye drops, can help relieve the burning and itching. In addition, to help reduce eye discomfort during allergy season, try wearing sunglasses to keep pollen from getting into your eyes, and don't rub your eyes while you are outdoors

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